Following record attendance in 2023, the premier conference for the trans-Pacific and global container shipping and logistics community expanded its programming and physical footprint. TPM24 included greatly expanded networking and meeting space, partner suites, TPM Cafe and General Session venue, in addition to larger breakout session rooms.

Looking for a place to have your meetings at TPM25? Look no further than the new and dedicated meeting space in the Long Beach Convention Center, containing private partner meeting rooms, by-reservation tables at the TPM Café, open tables and more!


Interested in a private partner meeting suite?


The program expansion included new session tracks:

TPM Tech

Incorporated directly into the core of TPM as a distinct set of programming experiences, TPM Tech covered the actual and potential impact of key technology developments, including AI, document digitization, visibility and standardization in containerized supply chains.

TPM Tech

TPM Cold Chain

Addressing the end-to-end process of moving containerized goods through the cold chain, this track brought together major shippers, carriers, forwarders and ports active in creating and deploying solutions in this space.

TPM Cold Chain

TPM Academy

The 2023 debut of hands-on educational presentations covering a range of topics returned in 2024 with new themes and instructors. Attendees will also receive access to video on demand recordings to revisit the sessions after TPM.

TPM Academy